Posted by & filed under Communication, Control, Decision Making, Ethics & Social Responsibility, Management, Organizational Behavior.

Description: Like so many with a desk job, I’ve spent the pandemic working from home — or more specifically, the bed in a bedroom of our microscopic Brooklyn apartment, which also houses a 6-year-old, a cat named James Bond and a Roomba named DB5. When I have Zooms for work, I try to put on something that passes for business casual and make sure my hair doesn’t look like I’ve been spending my free time in the local wind tunnel. But strictly speaking, this effort may be unnecessary because many of the formalities of the white-collar workplace have eroded.


Date: Feb 07, 2022


Questions for discussion:

  • Summarize the key ideas presented by Elizabeth Spiers.
  • Do you agree that the movement towards less rigid work environments benefits employers and handicaps employees?
  • Is there a middle ground?